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Running specific tests in RedwoodJS core
2020-06-212 Min Read — In RedwoodJS

Running the test suite for the RedwoodJS Framework is pretty straighforward. yarn install followed by yarn test is all that's needed. You will probably see some warnings about missing peer dependencies when installing, but those can safely be ignored.

Running all the tests takes a little while however, so when working on a specific feature it's somethimes helpful to be able to just run the tests for a specific package, or even just a specific test. So that's what I want to show here.

Let's say for example you want to run the tests for the cli package. First, go in to the cli directory; cd packages/cli. Then run all the tests by issuing yarn test (or yarn jest).

For more granularity you can run a single test-file by passing the path to it to jest. Here's the command and example output from running the page generator tests.

$ yarn test src/commands/generate/page/__tests__/page.test.js
yarn run v1.22.4
$ jest src/commands/generate/page/__tests__/page.test.js
 FAIL  src/commands/generate/page/__tests__/page.test.js (5.467s)
  √ returns exactly 2 files (4ms)
  × creates a page component (4ms)
  × creates a page test
  × creates a page component (1ms)
  × creates a page test (2ms)
  √ creates a single-word route name (1ms)
  √ creates a camelCase route name for multiple word names (1ms)
  √ creates a path equal to passed path

To run just one of the testcases, open up the test-file in your code editor, find the test definition and add .only to it. E.g. changing it from test('creates a page test', () => { to test.only('creates a page test', () => {. Run the test file again, and only the selected test case will execute. You can add .only to however many tests you like, and all the selected tests will run. The other tests in the file will be skipped.

Example output when selecting three testcases to run

$ yarn test src/commands/generate/page/__tests__/page.test.js
yarn run v1.22.4
$ jest src/commands/generate/page/__tests__/page.test.js
 PASS  src/commands/generate/page/__tests__/page.test.js (5.598s)
  √ creates a page test (3ms)
  √ creates a page test (1ms)
  √ creates a page component with a plural word for name
  ○ skipped returns exactly 2 files
  ○ skipped creates a page component
  ○ skipped creates a page component
  ○ skipped creates a single-word route name
  ○ skipped creates a camelCase route name for multiple word names
  ○ skipped creates a path equal to passed path

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       6 skipped, 3 passed, 9 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        7.306s
Ran all test suites matching /src\\commands\\generate\\page\\__tests__\\page.test.js/i.
Done in 9.28s.